Friday, January 30, 2009

also not poems...

1. "cue to go"

nothing turns me on

2. "ambition"

i want to be NOTICED!

and also, unnoticed.

3. "have you ever"

truly connected
with someone
you don't really know?

4. "oh, boy"

i'm in
over my head

5. "hold fast"

to dignity

6. "don't"

jump off the bridge

7. "the road i'm walking"

dead ends.
and when i turn
the path is already
reclaimed by new growth

8. "give me"

a song to sing
and i will sing.

9. "touch your eyes/lips/heart"

i will -
with my voice.
if you let me.


  1. 2 is totally you and five is very true and 6 hurts my heart a little, as does 7, which is very beautiful and my favorite of the bunch
